Naval-style "Crew" Barrel Money Box, 13cm

Naval-style "Crew" Barrel Money Box, 13cm ~ Tirelire en bois ~ Salvadanaio barile, in legno duro ~ Spardose, kl. Faß ~ Hucha barril- pequeña ~ Moneybox (barrel) - Crew, 11cm
  • Naval-style "Crew" Barrel Money Box, 13cm
Barrels were used aboard sailing ships to store and preserve provisions, including water, salted meat and (most importantly!) rum. Our barrel-style money boxes are made from solid polished Sheesham (a sustainable hardwood), with brass banding. A screwed flap at the bottom allows access to the precious contents. CAPTAIN (ref:7210) money box is 7" tall, CREW (ref:7230) money box 4½".
Brand Nauticalia
Dimensions 11cm
Material Wood

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