Full-size MkV Diver's Helmet

Full-size MkV Diver's Helmet ~ Casque de plongeur ~ Scafandro grande ~ Messing / Kupfer Taucherhelm gr. ~ Escanfandra Grande ~ Diver's Helmet - MkV, full-size
  • Full-size MkV Diver's Helmet
Ornamental diving helmets, made from solid brass and copper, recall the days when the pioneers of diving struggled on the ocean bed in equipment heavier than themselves. Our full-size replica (product ref 7121), based on the US MkV model, is so complete that from the outside very close examination is required to detect that it is not an original. It measures 12" across and weighs 37-lb. The stand shown is optional (ref 7122). The medium-size is a scaled-down version, with the same attention to detail, measuring 8.5" across and weighing 7-lb. The small version is, of necessity, a little simplified, but still makes a fine display, measuring 5" across and weighing 1-lb. All three would be straightforward to illuminate.
Brand Nauticalia
Material Brass

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