Greenwich Meridian Pocket Watch, 5cm

Greenwich Meridian Pocket Watch, 5cm ~ Montre de Poche Greenwich Meridian ~ Orologio Tascabile Greenwich Meridian 5cm ~ Taschenuhr Greenwich Meridian, 5 cm ~ Reloj de bolsillo meridiano de Greenwich, 5 cm ~ Greenwich Meridian Pocket Watch, 5cm
Pocket watches were once the only option, but to wear one today lends the gentleman owner a most distinctive air. This one, with its aged-effect dial and solid brass case, looks like a 19th century antique, but - unlike the originals - won't break the bank. Also unlike the originals, it has a reliable quartz movement, so you can't use it as an excuse to be late! Case diameter 5cm. Supplied with chain in a velvet bag.
Dimensions 5cm

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