Numeral Code Flag - Four, 30x45cm

Numeral Code Flag - Four, 30x45cm ~ Pavillon Code International nombre quattre - 30x45cm ~ Bandiera codice internazionale numero quattro - 30x45cm ~ Flagge Code Vier ~ Bander de Cortesia- Cuatro- 30x 45cm ~ Courtesy Flag - Four, 30x45cm
  • Numeral Code Flag - Four, 30x45cm
Nautical flags, also known as signal flags, are used at sea to convey messages over long distances. Only black, blue, red, white and yellow are used because these are the only colours that can be readily distinguished at sea. Many different coding schemes have been used but the International Code is the most common. Each measures 12 x 18". Made from high-quality rot-resistant polyester. Shown in numerical order, starting with '0' and ending in '9'. See our flag range.
Brand Nauticalia
Dimensions 30x45cm
Material Polyester

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