Brass Spitfire on Wooden Stand, 18cm

Brass Spitfire on Wooden Stand, 18cm ~ Spitfire (laton) , base en bois 18cm ~ Spitfire (ottone) su supporto legno, 18cm ~ Spitfire (Messing) auf Holzständer, 18cm ~ Spitfire ( latón) en soporte madera ~ Spitfire (brass) on Wooden Stand, 18cm
Churchill's famous tribute to RAF Fighter Command is inscribed on the plaque - the finishing touch to this emotive piece of sculpture. Cast in solid brass and heavily burnished by hand, it celebrates the genius of the Spitfire's designer, RJ Mitchell. Even today the sight of one of the few remaining 'Spits' soaring into and swooping out of the blue quickens the pulse and swells the heart. Capturing and preserving some of that magic is what this magnificent model is all about. Wingspan 23cm, overall height 18cm.
Brand Nauticalia
Dimensions 18cm

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