Brass Pocket Sundial, 7cm

Brass Pocket Sundial, 7cm ~ Cadrant solaire de poche en laiton ~ Meridiana tascabile in ottone ~ Taschensonnenuhr, Messing ~ Reloj de sol de bolsillo-latón ~ Карманные солнечные часы
  • Brass Pocket Sundial, 7cm
This brass pocket sundial is a completely self-contained portable instrument, with a compass for alignment and lid for protection. The gnomon is set for latitudes around 50 degrees North, so will be most accurate in the south of England, northern Europe, Canada and so on. At these latitudes this is a functioning time indicator (in as much as sundials ever were!) diameter 3", height 1". Made from chunky solid brass.
Brand Nauticalia
Dimensions 7cm

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